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Staff Spotlight!

Window Tinter Machinery Perth Welshpool

Meet our window tinting specialist, Jason!

Jason is our go-to guy when it comes to all things window tinting. Most days you will find him going down to one of the machinery dealerships to tint a skid steer, backhoe, telehandler or loader.

Jason has also developed signwriting skills since he's been part of our team, making him a versatile installer. On any given day he is usually installing tint, logos, and hivis striping to a machine.

He's also exceptionally quick and fastidious at installing home and office tint, along with other films and frosting.

Previously, Jason has come from a car dealership tinting background, so he has an exceptional level of quality and speed.

Machinery tinting has become a new challenge for Jason to tackle.

Jason is a pretty serious gamer, and in his spare time he's usually playing the latest online game or spending time with his son.

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