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Staff Spotlight!

Perth Signwriter Auto Vision Welshpool

Meet our dedicated Signwriter - Mal!

Mal has been part of the Vision team for almost 10 years now. He specialises in fleet signage installs, looking after our major account clients on a day to day basis.

Mal's signwriting career started began in 1998 when he undertook his training as a mature age apprentice, working for a traditional sign company. In December 2003 he finished his apprenticeship, receiving the signwriter apprentice of the year award. Seeing the sign industry grow from traditional stick and brush to the digital age has allowed Mal to apply traditional skills while also adapting to today's ever changing work practices.

A usual working day for Mal consists of some graphic prep work (running vinyl through the plotter, or printing some digital graphics), then heading out to see a couple of our clients. He might be installing some logo stickers, minespec striping or a partial wrap, depending on the client.

Mal is also a seasoned window tinter, looking after some of the big Perth equipment dealerships machinery tinting. He's visiting these dealerships regularly, often tinting and installing logos at the same time, giving our clients the package deal. This means when the dealers hand the equipment over, everything is ready to go.

Given Mal's extensive experience in the signwriting industry, he is an invaluable asset to our team!


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