Jadestone Energy recently moved into a new office on St Georges Terrace, Perth. They asked us to help them out with their signage.
The 3D acrylic lettering was first sprayed to get the perfect colour on the edges of the lettering. After rubbing back the surface of the lettering, a digital gradient print was applied. The finished product is these amazing 10mm thick letters with depth, tone and beautiful colour.
The large white reception sign was made from a 6mm piece of white glossy acrylic, diamond edges and fake caps. This sign was actually glued directly onto the tile surface behind reception to cover up some existing holes. The finished product is flawless and you can barely tell it's glued to the wall!
We manufactured and fabricated 3D logos for the boardroom and also for the wood panelling near the lift area.
The job was finished off with some 3M Sparkle Frosting installed by our expert window tinter.
The overall look of the office is super polished and professional.
Check out our website for more projects like this one!